
blogTop 3 Shaker Kitchen Design Styles

If you are thinking about a new kitchen then you should consider what kind of style you want to go for with your kitchen units. Style is an important factor when choosing a kitchen and no doubt you will have heard about a number of different styles such as modern, traditional and shaker style kitchens. When choosing your kitchen design you should think about the long term, as a timeless design shouldn’t need to be redone before selling the property. If this is the kind of style that you are looking for, then you should definitely consider a shaker style kitchen. If you are unsure whether a shaker kitchen is right for you, we discuss the top 3 shaker design styles and advantages to having the perfect impact on your kitchen space.

What are Shaker Style Kitchens?

But first, if you are unfamiliar with shaker style kitchens, these are a traditional style of kitchen that was originally built by the Shaker religious community during the 19th century. The kitchen units were styled with simplicity and utility in mind and have endured as a popular style of kitchen ever since. A shaker kitchen cabinet door has a frame and panel profile to provide the traditional and sophisticated look to your kitchen space. Most of the time this style of the kitchen comes in wooden or matt colour finish.

  1. Traditional Shaker Kitchen

If you are thinking about a traditional kitchen design then a shaker kitchen could be just what you are looking for. The bevelled edge to your kitchen cabinet doors will provide a traditional look and feel to the kitchen while opting for plain handles can really finish the look. If you are after a traditional feel in your kitchen then you should aim to keep it simple with the rest of the design and opt for either traditional wood or a light colour for the finish of your cabinets. If you don’t have any modern elements and don’t quite have space for an island this can be a great option.

  1. Transitional Shaker Kitchen

This is a great way to get the best of both styles if you are not fond of a traditional look but don’t want to go too modern in your kitchen design. The simple and clean design of shaker doors lends itself well to this design as they are versatile to suit your kitchen. Opting for a light colour such as white for the cabinets and choosing metallic finishing features for door handles, lights and elsewhere can offer a great compromise between modern and traditional designs. This is perfect for all kinds of kitchen spaces and you can accessories to suit your taste.

  1. Modern Shaker Kitchen

Although shaker kitchens are not always associated with modern designs, they can actually work really well with a modern design. The simplistic kitchen cabinet doors can be used in all kinds of environments and can be painted to match modern kitchen designs. If you are looking for modern elements in your kitchen with an island or modern kitchen hardware then you might want to consider painting the shaker kitchen doors a dark grey or using dark wood grains. This is a great way to make the most out of a large kitchen space.

Shaker Design Tips

On top of thinking about the design style for your shaker kitchen, you should also think about how you want to design your kitchen. We have put together some design tips that will help you to make the most of your kitchen design. There is a wide range of styles and kitchens that suit shaker kitchen cabinets but there are some general design tips which are best suited to the doors. These include;

Top 3 Shaker Kitchen Design Styles

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